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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Q&A: Matt Mills, Aurasma’s global head of innovation #AR

Auramsaのミスタープレゼンテーター マット・ミルズ氏へのインタビュー。一番利用されている分野は教育関係だという。現在100ヶ国以上で利用されているAurasma。そして世界の世界展開の中心は、米国がトップ、英国、そして次が日本という。日本での展開は順調にいっていると説明している。

There’s something startling and incredible about aiming your smartphone at a painting and watching the man in it come to life. Everything else in the frame looks the way it always does — your desk cluttered with Post-It notes and pens, your glass of water sweating in the August heat — but the painted man has passed through some invisible filter and is now moving and talking and even pouring himself a drink. Is this really your office, or have you somehow been transported into Harry Potter’s Gryffindor House?

As global head of innovation and partnerships atAurasmaMatt Mills oversees the company’s ongoing efforts to augment reality. Launched last summer, Aurasma and its users have created numerous video, music and 3-D animation “auras,” including a map of the Olympic Stadium in London that, when viewed through a smartphone,offered a 3-D exploration of the park.

Mills spoke with us about the remarkable ways he’s seen people use Aurasma, his company’s achievements in the last year and the future of augmented reality.

What is augmented reality?
Technically speaking, looking through one of those old kaleidoscopes is augmenting reality. Anytime you are changing the way that the world looks or enhancing the world through some thing, you are augmenting it. It’s a relatively broad description. Of course, the way that people think of it in our modern world, it’s using some sort of technology device to gather information that exists somewhere and bring it into the real world in an extremely convenient way.

(via & more http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/pure-genius/q-a-matt-mills-aurasmas-global-head-of-innovation/8631)