xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Aurasma Celebrates 1st Anniversary With Augmented Reality Infographic - オーラズマ1周年記念 #AR #Aurasma

Aurasmaはサービス提供から約1年間で、たくさんの、様々な業種で利用される結果を収めた。6,000以上のパートナーにより、Aurasmaベースのアプリケーションは、400万回以上のダウンロード達成。無料のスマートフォン向けアプリ"Aurasma Lite"をダウンロード・起動した後、添付の画像にかざしてみよう!1周年を記念するスペシャル動画が見られるよ!

In just a year, Aurasma announced that it has signed more than 6,000 partners to deliver their augmented reality (AR) applications across multiple industries. Thanks to those partnerships and a little ingenuity, Aurasma-based apps have been downloaded more than 4 million times. Aurasma has also decided to celebrate their 1st anniversary a little more differently.

Below is an infographic that displays the year of growth for augmented reality. However, Aurasma users are in for a treat. It’s AR-enabled and it comes to life when you view it through your Aurasma-enabled camera on your mobile phone or tablet.

LTG met with Aurasma’s Director of Marketing Lauren Offers back in March to talk in detail more about the company’s future plans. With these milestones, Aurasma celebrates its 1st year in business with much fanfare and a strong start.

(via http://www.lazytechguys.com/news/business/aurasma-celebrates-1st-anniversary-with-augmented-reality-infographic/)