xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


海外のイケア - IKEA Uses Mobile Augmented Reality To Engage Shoppers’ Imagination

IKEAはリアル店舗だけでなく、ネットの世界でも次々と革新的なサービスを提供している。次はモバイル端末によるARサービス。 Mobile Augmented Reality has become a hot topic recently. An “Augmented Reality” system deals with the combination of real…

建築分野、工業製品の分野で ARを利用すると...

Mixed Reality denotes generally different visualisation means between Reality and Virtuality, enabled by 3D computer graphics. On one hand, Virtual Reality (VR) means completely 3D modelled representation of real world, while Augmented Re…

WIKITUDE Drive - AR Navigation - ひさしぶりの紹介

Mobilizy GmbH reveals a preview of it's augmented reality navigation system, the first fully functional mobile AR navigation system available for the Android platform. Wikitude Drive was developed by the Mobilizy Research & Development gr…

Yelp - Augmented Reality in iPhone 3GS ex...



Here is a video of a prototype that uses one of the simplest origami foldings to turn a sheet of paper into a kind of 3D mouse. Once the origami is done, first you see the result of the tracking algorithm and then the final result in an A…

Multitouch Augmented Reality with SSTT Touch

SSTT Touch enables multi-touch interaction in Augmented Reality applications. It fosters the spatial relationship between tracking target and the tracked object. Thus, novel highly interactive applications can be created with this techniq…

Augmented Reality Room Design


Five Lives of Criss Angel Augmented Reality Experienc

Criss Angel Augmented Reality Game

AR - バーチャルミラーで洋服の色とデザインを選ぼう

Virtual Sighseeing Augmented Reality Scenic Viewer - Cascais Lookout Point

Virtual Sightseeing scenic viewer for the Environmental Interpretation Center at Ponta do Sal (in São João do Estoril on the outskirts of Lisbon) to offer the public the chance to explore unique details about Cascais coastal biodiversity …

タイでもAR - Layer が TVで紹介されていた

ข่าวช่อง 9 เกี่ยวกับ Augment Reality

geoPaste AR Demo on Android T-Mobile G1

geoPaste is an Augmented Reality AR app for Android devices. geoPaste provides capabilities to create, publish and interact with digital AR content GEO pasted into the real world. This video is a brief demo of the geoPaste ADC2 Trial Vers…

Métro Paris iPhone 3GS application with Augmented Reality

Métro Paris iPhone application with Augmented Reality. Your New Eye. Available on AppStore. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZ... http://www.metroparisiphone.com/ →iPhone 3GSと地図と位置情報を組み合わせたサービスは、今後もどんどん出て…

Mobile Augmented Reality, an Introduction

Chris Grayson on Twitter: http://twitter.com/chrisgrayson This video was created by Chris Grayson for his blog, GigantiCo: http://GigantiCo.squarespace.com When discussing Mobile Augmented Reality, I find that people are often mystified b…

AR技術の分類とLayarにみるパススルー型ARの課題 by 清水亮氏

ユビキタスエンターテインメント 代表取締役社長 清水亮氏の記事。 ARの可能性を語りつつ、まだまだ実用的ではないという意見。まさしく、そう思ってしまう今日この頃。医療分野や生産工場など、専門分野の方が実用的に使える技術かな。 いや、もっと頭を柔…


A prototype for augmented reality game part 2. More info at www.awarelab.com →うん、なかなかスムースに動作しているARゲーム

こいつは本物か? Burger King Whopper


ManuVAR - Virtual and Augmented Reality

This video is introduction to basic consept of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and is produced under project ManuVARhttp://www.manuvar.eu (Copyright: ManuVAR, VTT, TNO, IFF). The objective of ManuVAR is to develop an innovative tec…

インタラクティブ性が高くて、スムースな動きをするAR - Bullet(s of) Physics

his video shows the Bullet Physics engine in action (obviously, in full Augmented Reality ;). I have used some of the demos you can found in the SDK. The interaction is made using the hand.

Semi-Automatic Annotations for Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality in unknown environments requires the online estimation of the underlying geometry. This system demonstrates how a SLAM system can estimate features linked to annotations that are set by the user. A remote operator specif…

モバイルARアプリ Layar に新バージョン、全世界でダウンロード可能に

Layarの話題が相当増えてきた。今回は最新バージョン2.0の紹介。APIの利用者も次々と増えてきている。 『オランダ SPRXMobile社が開発中のモバイルARブラウザ Layar に新バージョン2.0が登場しました。Layarは名前のとおりATM、不動産、Wikipedia、Flickrな…

コンテンツ毎の効果測定が可能!サイネージ向け顔認識 バンテン社ニール社長が語る


The Museum Curator - ARを使用すると効率的?

The video prototype illustrates new potentials for visually enhanced environments based on augmented reality technologies. The Museum Curator follows a curator working at a museum, and the scenario exemplifies some of her routines during …

SREngine realtime search on iPhone 3GS by 金村氏

iPhone 3GS is able to run SREngine in realtime without a server. →有名な金村氏の新しいデモが公開されていた。実用性が感じられるデモだ。先日問合せてみたろこと、サーバを使用しない方向で進められているとのこと。その点は説明文にもしっかり書かれ…

DishPointer Augmented Reality (iPhone Satellite Finder)

The next generation satellite finder: Point your iPhone anywhere towards the sky and all the satellite will appear on the live video screen - very surreal and freaky. Now you know which trees will block which satellite. Uses the accelerom…

PZU Pomoc の AR

http://pomoc.pzu.pl/ar/ Augumented Reality dla PZU Pomoc. Zobacz jak poszerzyliśmy rzeczywistość dla PZU Pomoc. →ARでは良く自動車が対象となるが、これもその一つ。PCで制作されている3Dは精密に出来ているようだが、ARで表示すると、う〜ん...

EyeTour Puerto Rico Augmented Reality Project via Layar Reality Browser

EyeTour debuts Puerto Rico's first augmented reality project using the Layar Reality Browser for the Android platform (and soon others like the iPhone). Discover Puerto Rico's history and attractions through EyeTour.com's rich video guide…


自然な感じでARを取り入れている異例?なサイト。このように自然に使われ始めているのは嬉しい。 AR三兄弟 http://1.ar3.jp/ 紹介サイト http://www.secondtimes.net/news/japan/0090818_gizmodo.html

複数マーカによる ... Augmented reality physics

Demostración técnica de las posibilidades de la Realidad Aumentada con física para juegos interactivos, publicidad, marketing, demostración de productos, ferias... Technical sample of the possibilities of Augmented Reality with physics fo…

iPhone 3GS - acrossair augmented reality browser

Welcome to the launch video of the acrossair browser. The browser uses awesome 3D navigation which you can see as you spin around. There is local data from property companies and big name brands which is represented in an augmented realit…