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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Layar - Introducing: Layar Vision -#Layarがビジョンベースに対応 #AR


Layar Vision is an extension of the Layar platform, taking augmented reality to the next level. Layar Vision allows the creation of layers and applications that recognize real world objects and display digital experiences on top of them.

Layar Vision uses detection, tracking and computer vision techniques to augment objects in the physical world. It can tell which objects in the real world are augmented because the visual fingerprints of the objects are preloaded into the application based on the user's layer selection.

Learn more at http://www.layar.com/layar-vision
 And see our other video, "Layar Vision Explained" athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KFjlpnMhmw
(via YouTube)

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AMSTERDAM, August 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
Layar Vision Opens the Door to the Next Generation of Augmented Reality Experiences

Layar, the largest open platform for mobile augmented reality (AR), today announced Layar Vision. Layar Vision enables the mobile phone to recognise real world objects and show digital content on top of them. When holding their phone over posters, magazines and newspapers users are able to view and interact with these digital experiences.

Layar Vision is an extension of the Layar platform, already used by over 10,000 developers worldwide to create Augmented Reality experiences for smartphones. With this extension the platform is now able to enhance existing media like print with augmented reality experiences. These experiences offer brands and publishers new ways to engage with customers. Layar is already installed on 10 million mobile devices ensuring an extensive reach across multiple platforms.

Layar Vision is versatile in its ability to instantaneously detect up to 50 target objects on which a wide range of augmentations can be displayed. These objects are easily combined with existing location-based layers, and, in concert with audio, video and animated 3D objects, can create truly immersive experiences.

( via http://www.sys-con.com/node/1930284 )