xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Yiying Lu announces AR wall art project - 壁を使用したアート WALLS360 や Layarを使用した buidAR #AR

Yiying Lu さんの、壁を使用したアートプロジェクトや、buldARという新しいサービス!

Yiying Lu announces AR wall art project from buildAR on Vimeo.

Yiying Lu announces her latest creation that uses augmented reality (AR) to uncover an underworld of interactivity on walls all around you.
Working with buildAR.com and the new Layar Vision application, her artwork will now make interactive art available everywhere. By pointing your compatible
smartphone or tablet at this wall art you will unearth new messages and peel away layers to expose new content that can be updated at any time.

(via Vimeo)

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Sydney-based digital artist Yiying Lu has unveiled her latest creation that uses augmented reality (AR) to uncover an underworld of interactivity on walls.

Lu is Co-Founder & Creative Director of Walls 360, a company that creates on-demand custom wall graphics of Lu’s digital designs. People can order the artwork online and stick them on their walls at home or in the office.

(via.... http://thenextweb.com/apps/2011/08/22/this-digital-artist-creates-an-interactive-underworld-of-augmented-reality-on-walls/  )

and more...  buildAR

What will you build?
Augmented Reality (AR) overlays information, images, 3D objects, audio and video onto your view of the real world around you. Create your own mobile AR projects easily with no development required & link your content to the real world!

(via http://buildar.com/)