xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Yiying Lu announces AR wall art project - 壁を使用したアート WALLS360 や Layarを使用した buidAR #AR

Yiying Lu さんの、壁を使用したアートプロジェクトや、buldARという新しいサービス! Yiying Lu announces AR wall art project from buildAR on Vimeo. Yiying Lu announces her latest creation that uses augmented reality (AR) to uncover an underworl…

カブトムシの表現が上手な拡張現実 - VFX REEL - 1st A BEETLE, 2nd AUGMENTED REALITY #AR

This film was made by Hong-Geun, Suk at SF Film School. This student learned 3D animation course at SF Film School. SF Film School is an intensive training computer animation institution that specializes in artistic drawing skill, expert 2…

Verizon Experience Center Augmented Reality Explorer - 対話型タッチパネルで部屋の内装をシミュレーション #AR

拡張現実というよりも仮想現実という感じがするが、このようなインタラクティブ性が良いね。 The VerizonAR Explorer allows visitors to the Verizon Experience Center for 4G LTE technologies (VEC) to preview and explore the technology and product …

Alex Olwal, MIT Media Lab - Augmented Reality, Beyond digital media. The Conference 2011 - MITのアレックスが語る拡張現実の最新技術 #AR

Alex Olwal (Ph.D.) is a researcher at the MIT Media Lab. In this presentation Alex is discussing AR technology that, for example, can be used as transparent 3D windows for industrial machines, or that allows the combination of multiple dis…

Vivian Rosenthal, Goldrun - Augmented Reality, Beyond digital media. The Conference 2011 - ビビアンが語るGoldRunによるARプロモーション #AR

Vivian Rosenthal is the founder and CEO of Goldrun. Rosenthal is discussing GoldRun which uses augmented reality to create new interactions between our digital and physical lives. (via YouTube)

Michaela Schmied, Augmented Event - Augmented Reality, beyond digital media. The Conference 2011 - ミカエラが語る拡張現実の事例紹介

Michaela Schmied is an augmented reality-marketeer at Augmented Event and SweetAR. Michaela will introduce augmented reality and talk about AR for websites, for your mobile phone and stand-alone setup in a store or at an event. (via YouTub…