xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Hidden Sky IPA App Version 1.0.4 - 見えない惑星を見るためのアプリケーション #AR #iPhone

無限に存在する惑星。空を見上げても、肉眼ではなかなか見ることが出来ない。そこで、Hidden Sky だ。このアプリケーションを使用することで、肉眼では見る事が出来ない惑星の位置を知ることができる。空にかざすことで、アプリケーション側で用意された惑星が夜空に重なり表示される。夢が無限に広がるアプリケーションだ。

Hundreds of satellites orbit the Earth. Ever wonder where they are? The ISS? The GPS constellation? How about the planets? Need to know where a particular satellite is in the sky to find a clear line of sight for your dish? Mostly invisible to our naked eye, these objects are made visible with this augmented reality app.

Just select the objects you'd like to see from a catalog that includes over a thousand satellites, all of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon. Then simply point the iPhone camera towards the sky. The objects and their orbit tracks are shown over the iPhone camera display in the direction that they actually are from your location.

* View satellites, the planets, the Sun, and the Moon and their orbit tracks in augmented reality over the iPhone camera display, or on a 2D map.
* Learn about the objects you are observing with information from the NSSDC catalog and other sources.
* Choose from a catalog of over 1000 satellites which can be updated on demand from www.celestrak.com.
* Search the catalog by object name, NSSDC ID, or NORAD catalog number.
* Use a 3D arrow to easily locate any object in the sky.
* See the latitude, longitude, altitude, azimuth, elevation, skew, range, rise and set times of any object.
* See your location and the iPhone camera's pointing azimuth and elevation.
* Display the Clarke Belt and the horizon.
* Bookmark objects that are saved from run to run.
* Watch objects move across the sky in real time.
* Smoothly animate the objects forward or backwards in time using a slider.
* Jump to a specific date and time.

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