xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Mantis Vision's 3D Technology. Coming to a Mobile Device Near You. - 高性能な3D認識技術が実現する少し先の未来

 高性能な3D認識技術が実現する少し先の未来をイメージしたビデオ。Mantis Vision が取り組んでいる MV4Dテクノロジー。端末の高性能化と高度な3D認識技術の発展により、実用化もそう遠くないのかもしれない。

A glimpse into our vision of a world where MV4D technology meets mobile devices, as they go beyond 3D into 4D (motion video). It's a new dimension in creativity, and the possibilities are endless. 
Mantis Vision's MV4D technologies will enable exciting new mobile apps, use-cases and content creation possiblities.

Here are just some of the applications that 4D mobile devices can enable.
3D Content Creation. Seamlessly capture moments with a 3D camera, and transform them into unique memories with advanced professional editing and animation techniques, all with just your mobile device. 

3D Mobile Experiences.Re-live the moment, again and again. With 3D, you creation comes alive. Change camera paths and viewing perspectives, again and again. Focus and re-focus on specific objects or moments. Share the endless possibilities so that the moment lives on.

Collaborative 4D Dynamic Scene Creation. 360° dynamic scene capture enabled by realtime sharing of data feeds from numerous devices and cloud processing.

Real-World Search. Real-time object recognition enabled by 3D camera snapshots or scans can connect the world and its infinite objects as never before. 

Gaming Content Creation. 3D scan objects and integrate them into your game play. Create your own unique path through your own world for a truly personalized gaming experience.

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykcPKdGavXM&feature=youtube_gdata)