xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Aquatic drone incoming: a look at Ziphius - 水中でコントロールできる拡張現実玩具

A toy that can be controlled by smartphone, AR.Drone flying in the sky, Sphero running through the ground has been released. Products that can advance that the water has been published now.

スマートフォンでコントロールできる玩具では、空を飛ぶ AR.Drone、地上を駆け巡る Sphero が発売されている。今度は水中を進ことができる商品が公開された。

Ziphius: The Aquatic Drone
The first app-controlled aquatic drone shoots high-definition video and recognizes objects by Abbad in Tech on 26 June 2013
Aquatic Drones, Remote controlled, Toys, Ziphius, Waterproof, Beach Toys, Gadgets, Robots

The Ziphius is the first tablet and smartphone app-controlled, above-water, unmanned vehicle. Complete with a 160-degree rotating, high-definition camera and image recognition software, Ziphius is designed for use in all aquatic conditions—from rough water in the open seas to your backyard pool. The friendly looking aquatic gadget recently launched on Kickstarter and we recently had a chance to get a first look at one of their rare prototypes.

(via http://mindblowwing.blogspot.jp/2013/06/ziphius-aquatic-drone.html)

An tablet/phone remote-controlled, camera-equipped, robotic boat with augmented reality games and a beverage holder? Yes, and it's on Kickstarter. A look at Ziphius at CE Week.

(via YouTube by CNETTV)