xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Mobile AR growing up and helping major brands drive conversion - By INDG.com - 小型家電の販売促進用#AR

AR to experience small appliance more in detail. Cradle for the mobile terminal installation of Philip can be experienced with 3DCG. 小型電気製品をより詳しく体験してもらうためのAR。フィリップのモバイル端末設置用クレードルを3DCGで体験できる…

Posters, Interactive, and Art Show with Sergio Martin - プレゼンテーションを拡張する#AR

When the camera of iPad is turned to the graph where details of the figure pasted to the wall are shown, relating image and data are displayed. AR to explain presentation plainly. 壁に貼られた数字の経緯を示すグラフにiPadのカメラを向けると…

First Year Seminar Students Create Interactive Digital Antiquity Book #AR

Ruins etc. dash out from the book, and the attempt using AR to be able to experience the history more in full scale. 遺跡などが本から飛び出し、よりリアルにその歴史を体験できるARを使用した試み In collaboration with Terence Clark, Matthew Be…

Augmented Reality 3-D Animated Product Detail | Marxent Labs #AR

Handbill synchronization AR to which the commodity is displayed with 3DCG when camera of iPad is turned to handbill チラシにiPadのカメラを向けると、その商品を3DCGで表示するチラシ連動AR Watch as Augmented Reality technology is used to creat…

Tokyo - Experiencing Augmented Reality - 外国人旅行者のためのAR機能付き観光アプリ

Image that contains AR use image with sky tree . . . AR application program for iOS for tourist who visited Tokyo from foreign country スカイツリーでのAR利用イメージも含んだ映像...外国から東京を訪れた観光客向けのiOS向けARアプリ SPECIAL FEA…

東京おもちゃショー #LEGO STARWARS A.R. Display TOKYO TOY SHOW 2012 #AR

以前からARを使用したサイネージを展開しているLEGOが、東京おもちゃショーでAR仕様のディスプレイを展示。 2012年6月15日 日本最大の玩具見本市「東京おもちゃショー2012」が、東京ビッグサイト(東京都江東区)で始まりました。日本国内外の144社が…

Qin relics to go on show (13.6.2012) - 香港で#AR等の体験型ミュージアム

博物館では、疑似体験が出来るARの利用がとても効果的だ。 The largest exhibition of national cultural relics from the Qin Dynasty will be held at the Museum of History from July 25 to November 26, as part of celebrations for the 15th annivers…

Die Kelten - Augmented Reality Book - #AR絵本

The picture book seems to have begun to move on the screen in the presence when the picture book was copied onto WeCam of PC. If it is this, digital might be all acceptable though contents of a part of experience type are included. 絵本をP…

TEDxMongKok -- Tomi Ahonen -- Augmented Reality - the 8th Mass Medium - #ARの現状を分かり易くプレゼン

Tomi Ahonen ... It explains the situation, the technology, and the effect etc. of AR. This is happy and a comprehensible content. Tomi Ahonen ... ARの状況や技術、効果などを説明している。これは楽しいし分かり易い内容だ! Tomi Ahonen explains…

AR Talking Poster - ポスターから人が飛び出したかのよう #AR

The image that penetrates the background of 2D to the arbitrary outside position recognizing the image of the poster by the image recognition is displayed. If it is such a technique, it is likely to achieve it easily comparatively because …

Summer Show Demo of Augmented Reality Art Powered by #Aurasma - 写真を拡張する新たな表現方法 #AR

A geostationary scene seems to have begun to move suddenly. Only the person who experienced might understand this sense. The technology that has achieved it is AR-AURASMA. 静止しているシーンが突然動き出したかのように見える。この感覚は体験…

AR comes of age as brands seek to engage consumers #AR

インドのAR事情...かなり熱いようだ。 The trend is fast picking up of brands taking the augmented reality route for campaigns. BestMediaInfo takes stock of how AR is delivering exciting consumer engagement options (Ananya Saha | Delhi | June…

Life 3.0 - Augmented Reality Startup Demo Show, May 2012 #AR

2012年5月31日にサンフランシスコで開催されたAR-スタートアップ企業のアプリケーション展示やプレゼンテーション。アイデアが盛りだくさん! Hundreds of San Franciscans and guests gathered at the Fairmont on May 31st to see a different kind of rea…

Augmented Reality PZU Noc Muzeów - 巨大スクリーンで体験する#AR

ワルシャワのナイトミュージアのスクリーン上に巨人が出現。多くの人がスクリーン上で彼と触れ合った。 When the past meets the present, Warsaw Night of Museums, 18 May 2012 Action on behalf of Allegro Group for PZU - Polish Insurance Company. La…

Mimarlar için Augmented Reality (Türkçe Versiyon) - インタラクティブに操作が出来る建築向け#AR

However, it is not displayed but AR of the building where even externals and the interior can be firmly experienced. ただ表示されるのではなく、外観、内装までしっかり体験できる建築物のAR Augmented Reality gerçek görüntüler üzerine eş zamanl…

Pioneer new CYBER NAVI Car Navigation system #AR - パイオニアのARカーナビ

Commercialized AR car navigation system. Do not you disturb while driving though think it is wonderful? It is a place where it wants to know the respect. 商品化されたARカーナビ。素晴らしいと思うが、運転中に邪魔にならないのか...その点が知…

Medipixel-video-June-FINAL - 複雑な操作の医療機器をシミュレーションで体験する#AR

The operation simulation is one of the fields in which the AR technology is skillful. In this case, the operation seems not only to be simulated but also to collect even information like the operation log. Statistics such as where it makes…

Changing Markets: - マーケットを変える仮想体験型ショッピング #AR

Curettage doesn't go in the net though a real point of contact might be connected with the incentive for buying of the commodity. Moreover, the store is and there might not be all goods in stock even in case of being. Even if it wants to e…

EXCLUSIVE DEMO Sphero's Augmented Reality Game-Changer:: Nerdy Show at E3- ボールが変身して動き回るAR玩具

かなり前から有るARボールが進化していた。スマートフォンを通して見ると.... This is the first time this tech has been shown! Orbotix gave us an exclusive demo of new augmented reality applications for their rolling ball robot, Sphero. It ha…

Bodymetrics @ Bloomingdale's, Century City, Los Angeles

本格的な測定方法を採用し、適切なサイズの衣料を提案するシステムの事例 Bodymetrics @ Bloomingdale's, Century City, Los Angeles from Bodymetrics Ltd. on Vimeo. Platform: iPad and in-store use of PrimeSense 3D Sensor Scanning Technology (and, …

Cannes 2012 - Color Genius par Madame Ines de la Fressange - ロレアルが提供するカラーアプリ #AR

The aspect changes into the same color at daytime and night. It is an application program that appropriately recommends the color that changes by the dress and light. 同じカラーでも昼と夜でその様相が変わる。その洋服、光によって変化するカラ…

SM Supermalls Successfully Launched and Released Hundreds of iButterflies at SM Megamall - 世界で飛んでいるアイバタフライ #AR


Diet Glasses - ダイエットを促進する#ARクッキー

How do externals and the eaten satisfaction relate?This experiment is interesting. However, there is no l of the meal actually putting HMD. 見た目と食べた満足感は、どう関係するのだろうか?この実験は面白い。しかし、実際にHMDをかけて食事をす…

Nellymoser Sports Illustrated Augmented Reality Cover #AR

バスケットボールの選手が掲載されている巨大なポスターにスマートフォンのカメラを向けると、選手のタブ画像が表示され、動画まで表示してくれる。 To add excitement to the already popular Sports Illustrated March Madness preview issue, SI deployed…

Rio de Janeiro - HD - Brazil - Tourist Guide with Augmented Reality - Travel to Rio - How to #AR

リオデジャネイロを楽しむためのスマートフォン向け観光専用アプリ。そのアプリの中にARを使用したコンテンツが含まれている。 Discover Rio with the most interactive travel guide in the market. Rio de Janeiro Travel Guide powered by http://www.eti…

The Village - Death Revealer - 事故発生場所を可視化する#ARアプリ

The accident often occurs in the same place. There are a lot poor and carelessness of the prospect because of common in it. It is likely to become it very if it knows beforehand that the place is a place of frequent occurrence of the accid…

Augmented Reality Melek AVM - エンジェルが出現する#AR

I think that it understands how the expression of AR of such a type is difficult when this is seen. Contents cannot merge naturally in the background and it is unnatural. It might be a problem such as there are neither light, a reflection …

One hears you! Paddy Power via blippar - See the Queen speak on £10 note #augmentedreality #AR

AR where queen in Britain appears from greenback. Is it ..this contents.. safe? イギリスのクイーンがお札から出現するAR。このコンテンツ、大丈夫なのかね? http://blippar.com One hears you! Blipp a £10 note and check out the Queens secret mes…

Augmented Reality Dans Outdoor - 異常な熱気のダンシングAR

Huge monitor set up on building. It is a system that dances with two or more AR dancers who appear in the monitor. The dancer shows up when standing near the symbol that Big FUN Festa pasted to the plaza is round. 建物の上に設置された巨大…

Holografik Konser Augmented Reality - ステージで#AR

"Miku Hatsune" of the case where AR is used in the stage is famous. Here is a stage where the singer with the living body and the four one's doubles suit and five people appear. ステージでARを使用している事例は、初音ミクが有名だ。こちらは…