xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Nellymoser Sports Illustrated Augmented Reality Cover #AR

バスケットボールの選手が掲載されている巨大なポスターにスマートフォンのカメラを向けると、選手のタブ画像が表示され、動画まで表示してくれる。 To add excitement to the already popular Sports Illustrated March Madness preview issue, SI deployed…

Rio de Janeiro - HD - Brazil - Tourist Guide with Augmented Reality - Travel to Rio - How to #AR

リオデジャネイロを楽しむためのスマートフォン向け観光専用アプリ。そのアプリの中にARを使用したコンテンツが含まれている。 Discover Rio with the most interactive travel guide in the market. Rio de Janeiro Travel Guide powered by http://www.eti…

The Village - Death Revealer - 事故発生場所を可視化する#ARアプリ

The accident often occurs in the same place. There are a lot poor and carelessness of the prospect because of common in it. It is likely to become it very if it knows beforehand that the place is a place of frequent occurrence of the accid…

Augmented Reality Melek AVM - エンジェルが出現する#AR

I think that it understands how the expression of AR of such a type is difficult when this is seen. Contents cannot merge naturally in the background and it is unnatural. It might be a problem such as there are neither light, a reflection …

One hears you! Paddy Power via blippar - See the Queen speak on £10 note #augmentedreality #AR

AR where queen in Britain appears from greenback. Is it ..this contents.. safe? イギリスのクイーンがお札から出現するAR。このコンテンツ、大丈夫なのかね? http://blippar.com One hears you! Blipp a £10 note and check out the Queens secret mes…

Augmented Reality Dans Outdoor - 異常な熱気のダンシングAR

Huge monitor set up on building. It is a system that dances with two or more AR dancers who appear in the monitor. The dancer shows up when standing near the symbol that Big FUN Festa pasted to the plaza is round. 建物の上に設置された巨大…

Holografik Konser Augmented Reality - ステージで#AR

"Miku Hatsune" of the case where AR is used in the stage is famous. Here is a stage where the singer with the living body and the four one's doubles suit and five people appear. ステージでARを使用している事例は、初音ミクが有名だ。こちらは…

Voice Answer 2.0 an animated alternative to Siri - Siriより楽しそうな! バーチャルロボット秘書

The application program that a virtual secretary like this Siri answers though it is likely to differ from AR a little. It introduces it because it is interesting. Even if it is not latest iPhone, it seems to be able to use it. ARとは少…