xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Qin relics to go on show (13.6.2012) - 香港で#AR等の体験型ミュージアム

博物館では、疑似体験が出来るARの利用がとても効果的だ。 The largest exhibition of national cultural relics from the Qin Dynasty will be held at the Museum of History from July 25 to November 26, as part of celebrations for the 15th annivers…

Die Kelten - Augmented Reality Book - #AR絵本

The picture book seems to have begun to move on the screen in the presence when the picture book was copied onto WeCam of PC. If it is this, digital might be all acceptable though contents of a part of experience type are included. 絵本をP…

TEDxMongKok -- Tomi Ahonen -- Augmented Reality - the 8th Mass Medium - #ARの現状を分かり易くプレゼン

Tomi Ahonen ... It explains the situation, the technology, and the effect etc. of AR. This is happy and a comprehensible content. Tomi Ahonen ... ARの状況や技術、効果などを説明している。これは楽しいし分かり易い内容だ! Tomi Ahonen explains…

AR Talking Poster - ポスターから人が飛び出したかのよう #AR

The image that penetrates the background of 2D to the arbitrary outside position recognizing the image of the poster by the image recognition is displayed. If it is such a technique, it is likely to achieve it easily comparatively because …

Summer Show Demo of Augmented Reality Art Powered by #Aurasma - 写真を拡張する新たな表現方法 #AR

A geostationary scene seems to have begun to move suddenly. Only the person who experienced might understand this sense. The technology that has achieved it is AR-AURASMA. 静止しているシーンが突然動き出したかのように見える。この感覚は体験…

AR comes of age as brands seek to engage consumers #AR

インドのAR事情...かなり熱いようだ。 The trend is fast picking up of brands taking the augmented reality route for campaigns. BestMediaInfo takes stock of how AR is delivering exciting consumer engagement options (Ananya Saha | Delhi | June…

Life 3.0 - Augmented Reality Startup Demo Show, May 2012 #AR

2012年5月31日にサンフランシスコで開催されたAR-スタートアップ企業のアプリケーション展示やプレゼンテーション。アイデアが盛りだくさん! Hundreds of San Franciscans and guests gathered at the Fairmont on May 31st to see a different kind of rea…