xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


シンガポールのアジア文明博物館で提供された #AR体験 - Augmented Reality—What Reality Can We Learn From It?

2011年6月に、アジア文明博物館は、iPhoneアプリ向け-拡張現実(AR)、ロケーションベースのゲーム、インタラクティブ機能-特別展で博物館向けのアプリを提供し来場者に新しい体験を提供した。この試みが行われていたことをご存じの方は多々いることと思う。 A…

Emergent Technology as Art Practice and Public Art as Intervention #AR

A free public artist talk by Boston-based media artist and activist John Craig Freeman on his use of augmented reality (AR) for public artworks and interventions. 7-7:30PM meet and greet; 7:30-8:30PM lecture + questions. SOMArts Cultural …

Nokia Lumia Augmented Reality Angry Birds with Timomatic Dance Off - ノキアの屋外サイネージで #ARダンス #Nokia

Event held in Nokia in Australia. The dance is danced with the AR dancer by the digital signage of the outdoor installation. オーストラリアのノキアで行われたイベント。屋外設置のデジタルサイネージでARダンサーと一緒にダンスを踊る! People in…

GORE-TEX® SURROUND™ Footwear - AR Experience - フットウェアのAR体験 #AR

Application for smart phone to experience foot wear of GORE-TEX in AR. If it is not a fitting, isn't it enough in 3D viewer that doesn't use AR either though AR of NIKE is also so? GORE-TEX の フットウェアをARで体験してもらうためのスマホ…

It is onvert with QRcode + image recognition function and AR in easiness - QRcode+画像認識機能を持つ onvert で簡単に #AR

QRcode is read by the QRCode scanner function of smart phone application program onvert and the object is fixed. It sits in advertising space when the recognition sound is heard. Then, AR that does 2D and animation can be achieved. スマー…

ARが実現する未来図のまとめ動画 - ELEC4170 Mid-term Project #AR

Figure in the future when AR is achieved at the time of brought some cases together. 幾つかの事例をまとめた、ARが実現する未来図のようです。

Inside Jordan: AJ2012 app - Experience the Air Jordan 2012 flight system in #AR - ナイキのプロモーション用AR

In NIKE of athletic shoes, it is good satisfying the user experience with 3D and AR. It is a commodity explanation application program that introduces here using AR. Let's sit in the image marker with black background of this article after…

Inside The NewMe Accelerator 2012 Startup House [TCTV]

スタートアップインキュベーター·プログラム POS情報をARで可視化する試みを行う会社などが有り、新しい可能性を感じる。 The NewMe Accelerator, a startup incubator program focused on underrepresented minorities in the tech industry, assembles a s…