xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Emergent Technology as Art Practice and Public Art as Intervention #AR

 A free public artist talk by Boston-based media artist and activist John Craig Freeman on his use of augmented reality (AR) for public artworks and interventions.

7-7:30PM meet and greet; 7:30-8:30PM lecture + questions.

SOMArts Cultural Center, 934 Brannan St. San Francisco.
"Public space is now truly open, as artworks can be placed anywhere in the world, without prior permission from government or private authorities – with profound implications for art in the public sphere and the discourse that surrounds it."

John Craig Freeman has twenty years of experience using emergent technologies to produce large-scale public works at sites where the forces of globalization are impacting the lives of individuals in local communities. 

He is currently an Associate Professor of New Media, at Emerson College (Boston) in the Department of Visual and Media Arts and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, at UC San Diego.


Support for this talk is provided by Southern Exposure's Alternative Exposure Grant Program.http://soex.org/artistsresources.html

Presented by Upgrade! San Francisco http://www.upgradesf.org/

(via http://www.happenstand.com/sanfrancisco/events/8074-emergent-technology-as-art-practice-and-public-art-as-intervention)

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