xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Inside The NewMe Accelerator 2012 Startup House [TCTV]

スタートアップインキュベーター·プログラム POS情報をARで可視化する試みを行う会社などが有り、新しい可能性を感じる。

The NewMe Accelerator, a startup incubator program focused on underrepresented minorities in the tech industry, assembles a select group of tech entrepreneurs from all over the United States every year to participate in its 12-week Silicon Valley accelerator. NewMe is a residential program, meaning that the entrepreneurs all live together in a house for three months to brainstorm and hack on their respective projects — “eating, sleeping and drinking our startups,” as NewMe puts it. Along the way, mentors such as Mitch Kapor, Vivek Wadwha, Ben Horowitz andothers stop by the NewMe house to provide advice, insight and inspiration.
NewMe’s Class of 2012 startups, in the order in which they appear:

Founded by Naithan Jones, it’s a web and mobile marketplace that connects regular consumers with local farms that supply meat.

Founded by Andre Gabriel, it’s a social shopping game that lets you buy real-world items with virtual currency.

Founded by Christopher Lyons, it brings photo-rich restaurant menus to diners’ smartphones, aiming to eliminate paper menus entirely.

Founded by Tendekai Muchenje, it allows users to make customer care inquiries through a social media-enabled web app, rather than through the typical telephone help line.

Co-founded by Amanda McClure and Brian Brackeen, it has developed a new way for retail companies to report sales data and point-of-sale analytics using facial recognition and augmented reality technology.

Founded by Rachel Brooks, it is a software platform that enables any e-commerce company to allow their customers to customize and live-render products on the web.

Ubi Video
Founded by James Norman, it is a multi-platform video delivery solution that allows users to watch cross-platform video through one portal, and easily discover new things to watch.

(via http://www.garretsgeeks.com/?p=412)