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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

ArmorActive provides augmented reality at sporting goods store - ユタ州 メガストアのScheelsスポーツ用品店舗内でAR iPad-KIOSK

ユタ州 メガストアのScheelsスポーツ用品店舗内で、買い物客に拡張現実の技術を使用したiPad用アプリケーションが設置された。アイテムを選んで、ARでアイテムがオーバーレイ表示されるようになっているようだ。撮影した写真は、自分や友人にメールなどで送ることができるようになっている。1日に250~400のメールがおくられているとのこと。


Sporting goods retailer Scheels recently installed an ArmorActive iPad kiosk in its Sandy, Utah, megastore, providing shoppers a taste of augmented reality.

According to a press release, the kiosk consists of an ArmorActive iPad kiosk mount and stand, located across from a scenic backdrop and hand-held mini green screens. The iPad itself is secured with ArmorActive's Evolve enclosure, while power-backup solutions were also implemented into the stand to ensure the iPad will run throughout all business hours.

(via http://www.selfserviceworld.com/article/202867/ArmorActive-provides-augmented-reality-at-sporting-goods-store)

A partnership was announced today between ArmorActive, a tablet security business, and Kensington, a business specializing in locking technology for mobile devices. The alliance has resulted in the ArmorActive QuickStand, ArmorActive's first tablet kiosk stand to integrate Kensington's ClickSafe keyed lock.

(via http://www.selfserviceworld.com/article/202263/ArmorActive-tightens-iPad-kiosk-security-with-latest-stand)

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The store is working with a technology provider to use iPads for a unique AR experience for shoppers. ArmorActive, an enterprise level tablet solutions company, has partnered with a Utah sporting goods store, Scheels, in order to implement an augmented reality iPad kiosk in its location in Sandy, to provide shoppers with a unique experience while they consider their purchases.

(via http://www.qrcodepress.com/augmented-reality-kiosk-designed-to-draw-attention-to-sporting-goods-shop/8513665/)