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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

kooaba Shortcut - a shortcut between printed media and the web #AR


The demonstration is opened to the public in around September, 2009, and image retrieval Kooaba of Switzerland that began the service deployment at the beginning of 2010. Type to scrap article. An advertising business is firmly considered because of the of course beginning. 

Download free app: http://www.kooaba.com/shortcut (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone)

The media app kooaba Shortcut is literally a shortcut between real life and the internet: Take a picture of what you are reading in a newspaper or magazine and instantly get connected to the digital version. Now you can store, email or share it with others. No more typing links into your phone, googling for information or cutting out articles - Just take a picture. Shortcut also works with advertisements and billboards or any other image where you see the Shortcut icon.

No QR Codes needed, works with image recognition. This is the basis for Augmented Reality (AR).
See all titles Shortcut works with: http://www.kooaba.com/shortcut

(via YouTube  )