xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Formula 1 on Sky roars out of the Pit Lane with #Aurasma #AR

F1 のプロモーションでARが利用された。新聞広告から。 Sky brings its campaign for the new F1 to life using Aurasma. Make its first appearance in the historic first edition of 'The Sun on Sunday', looking at the advert through Aurasma sees th…

Aurasma and Mastercard partner for the Brits #AR

マスターカードのプロモーションでARが利用された! Lucky Brits-goers will today have secret content embedded in the UK's most glamorous music awards brochure. Aurasma has teamed up with Mastercard and the Brits to provide secret content in…

Exclusive Jonathan Saunders Interview available through Aurasma enabled LFW Dailys #ar

ロンドンファッションウィークの誌面にスマートフォンアプリのカメラをかざすと、ファッションショーの様子が直ぐにビデオで観られる。 Aurasma is bringing LFW to digital life this season. Aurasma is a new technology that's capable of recognising i…

Campbell's Soup on Aurasma - Nexus S #AR

Campbell's Soup の絵に、Androidのアプリで起動したカメラをかざすと...あの生物が... I've modelled the kitchen in Maya and Photoshop, the fly in Maya and ZBrush. More info and screenshots: http://bit.ly/d4d-campbell My website: http://www.dan…

The Ting Tings : Cover #Aurasma for Sounds from Nowheresville -CDジャケットの絵がパカッと開いて... #AR

It is sold by Sony Music, and the camera is held up in the CD jacket of new album 'Sounds From Nowheresville' of 'The Ting Tings' by starting smart phone application program Aurasma. Then, the one of CD jacket's being able to open like doo…

Furniture sales synchronization AR arrangement simulation application program with pleasant movement for iPad #AR

Very good experience for the customer is offered, and the point whether it is possible to use it again is important. If a new for that technology is effective, it is used. Otherwise, a lot of old technologies it is time when are acceptable…

QR/Logo 3D Scanner - QRcodeでARを実行するアプリ

QRCodeを読み込んで、3Dのコンテンツを表示することが出来るアプリ。データのユニーク性は保たれるが、トラッキングに無理ありそうなビデオだ。 Application program to which contents of 3D can be displayed by reading QRCode. It is a video that seems…