xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


アキコロイド(AKIKOLOID)というローソンのキャラがDCEXPO2011 のステージに拡張現実で出現。海外でも取り上げられていた。

This video clip is "VOCALOID3 x LiveAR" at DIGITAL CONTENT EXPO 2011 in Tokyo, JAPAN, 2011.


VOCALOID3 Megpoid (c) INTERNET Co., Ltd.
あきこロイドちゃん (c) LAWSON, INC./Yamaha Corporation
蒼姫ラピス (c) i-style project 2011
未夢フレンズ  CHIYOMI & RISA
MC サンキュータツオ 有野いく

(via YouTube by  )


Japan's two newest stars have all the basics of being a pop idol down. Their dance moves are sharp, they sing without missing a beat, and their songs have made the top 10.

The only thing is, neither one of them exists.

The green-haired "Megpoid" and red-haired "Akikoloid" are both completely computer generated, the latest in a line of popular digital characters based on a voice-synthesizing program that allows users to create their own music.

They were the stars of a concert during the recent Digital Concept Expo in Tokyo.

Music made by "Vocaloid," the voice-synthesizing programme, and its spin-off characters, has made it into the top 10 on Japan's weekly top hits list. But for those watching the concert, the performance was nothing more than thin air - unless they looked at the screen showing the augmented reality (AR) scene with the 3D characters inserted into live video.

(via http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/5877520/Japans-digital-divas-take-to-the-stage)