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Augmented reality GPS guidewire system wins SatNav innovation award #AR

"Vitual Cable" - The direction of the destination is expressed as a locus in real time at the time of operation of a car. 
The navigation system which is likely to be practical. 
バーチャルケーブル - 自動車の運転時、行く先の方向を軌跡でリアルタイムに表示する。実用性がありそうなナビゲーションシステム。

Developed by the California-based company Making Virtual Solid, True3D is billed as “an augmented reality navigational display engine designed to provide non-distracting, translucent location guidance.” That’s another way of saying that True3D takes the HUD to its logical conclusion.

That’s the idea behind the True3D, which recently won the EUR20,000 Galileo Master 2011 grand prize at this year’s European Satellite Navigation Competition in Munich, Germany.

(via http://wordlesstech.com/2011/10/30/true-3d-head-up-display/)

This is an actual field test done with an earlier iteration of the HUD prototype. The line rendered here is inferior to the current prototype, but it's still compelling, and when viewed in person, obviously volumetric and 3 dimensional.

(via YouTube by 


A heads-up display system for cars, which highlights routes and signs in augmented reality, took home the grand prize in Munich at the European Satellite Navigation Competition.

It's called the True3D HUD and it's made by a company called MVS-California. One part of the system, Virtual Cable, turns your route into an omnipresent red guidewire, bending and winding high above the road to show which roads you should take.

(via http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-10/28/augmented-reality-gps)