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The Volkswagen Beetle. Juiced Up - 街中まで拡張するフォルックスワーゲンのプロモーション #AR

It is uncanny to apply Volkswagen and the promotion which uses AR thoroughly so far! 
Although the Audi, BMW, and Japan vehicle is also using AR, in Japan, it is not thinking probably. 
Volkswagen 、ここまで徹底的にARを使用したプロモーションをかけるとは、すごい! AudiBMWも、その他日本車もARを使用しているが、日本ではまず考えられないことだ。

The Beetle is back. Same soul. Different shell. Download the app athttp://www.vwjuicedup.ca

(via YouTube by )


It’s hard to believe that it’s been over 13 years since we were introduced to VW’s “New Beetle,” aka the vehicle that saved Volkswagen from years of declining sales. Boosted by a worldwide ad blitz that featured work from, among others, the agency that introduced the original Beetle 30 years prior (DDB), the “New Beetle” continued on its predecessor’s legacy of being a vehicle that found great success as a direct result of focused, innovative marketing.

The new challenge for VW’s numerous agencies around the world is re-introducing a Beetle with a new, “aggressive” look. As we can see in the above spot, the 2012 Beetle comes with a spoiler and a leather racing-style interior, an attempt at making it more appealing to testosterone-riddled men who wince whenever they see a bright yellow Beetle with a vanity plate that reads “MI BUG” in the next lane over. For Omincom-owned Red Urban Canada, this meant marrying new technology with high-flying stunts in a campaign called “Juiced Up.”

(via http://www.mediabistro.com/agencyspy/the-new-vw-beetle-gets-extreme-augmented_b24940)