xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

The generalization of AR that can be experienced will not be the so far future. - ImmersiveTech Explains - Haptic Devices #AR

ImmersiveTech 社提供の動画を見ると、身体全体で体験出来る拡張現実が生活に入り込むのは、そう遠い未来ではないと感じる。日本の東京大学では、水滴が上から落ちてくる感触を掌で感じることが出来る研究が進められているようだ。
What are haptic devices? Haptics is commonly referred to as the ability to interact with a virtual environment through physical contact, such as receiving sensations associated with what is going on in the virtual world through touch. There are two types of feedback. Tactile and kinesthetic. The first major breakthrough in Haptics technology came in 1993 when MIT's AI laboratory created a device that made it possible for a person to feel a virtual object.

Since then Haptics technology has been making their appearance in everyday products such as smart phones that vibrate when touched. Haptic devices are even being merged with other fields of immersive technology. Researchers at the University of Tokyo have managed to combine Haptics with augmented reality with the creation of a hologram that can be paired with a tactile feedback system to give the user a physical feeling of the holographic object What's more amazing is that it requires no special equipment, just your bare hands. Check out our video and see for yourself!

The world's first ever Immersive Technology Summit will be held at the Los Angeles Center Studios (LACS) on October 21st, 2010.
This video is copyrighted by ImmersiveTech: www.immersivetech.org
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