xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


The generalization of AR that can be experienced will not be the so far future. - ImmersiveTech Explains - Haptic Devices #AR

ImmersiveTech 社提供の動画を見ると、身体全体で体験出来る拡張現実が生活に入り込むのは、そう遠い未来ではないと感じる。日本の東京大学では、水滴が上から落ちてくる感触を掌で感じることが出来る研究が進められているようだ。 What are haptic devices?…

Let's try AR of LEGO at home. AR of Lego from which the global launch starts is experienced.

Lego that started global launch by digital signage using enhancing reality technology. Simple AR can be tried also at home. There is no time of the installation because it can use it with Flash in Web a browser. 拡張現実技術を使用したデジ…

Demonstration of AR that wears 3D object in animation recognizing 13 kinds of cards at the same time #AR

This movie shows our markerless tracker for augmented reality. The tracker can recognize and track multiple targets fast and robustly. It consumes 37 ms to track 13 target simultaneously on 2.2 GHz laptop. If you have any question, feel fr…

#iOS 4 supports Full Camera Access. I made a simple marker tracking demo using the new camera API.

As announced in WWDC2010, iOS 4 supports Full Camera Access. I made a simple marker tracking demo using the new camera API. It was very simple and straightforward to use. via mobile-augmented-reality http://mobile-augmented-reality.blogspo…

GM AR CODE TECNOLOGY - Augmented reality Ads #AR

このYoutubeで紹介さている GM とは、自動車のGM?なのだろうか? ARをユニークな動画で紹介している。

Showreel - Theo Majendie #AR

Showreel of Theo Majendie Includes examples of his work from: BBC TV series - 'Spirit Warriors' Inition's Stereoscopic Augmented Reality and PC games Gillette's 3D Stereoscopic advert 'Doug Bradley's Spine Chillers' series Convict-Films mo…