xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

世界を可視化する未来的なレンズ #Innovega #AR


Innovegaは、今までに無かった新しい体験を提供するために設立された企業とのことだ。 特殊なコンタクトレンズを使用して拡張現実の世界を実現する未来も近そうだ。従来のようなデバイスを必要せずデジタル画像がオーバーレイ表示されるため、巨大なヘッドギアが必要無くなるという。

Overview (via http://innovega-inc.com/)

Innovega was founded to change how you look at the world.  By enhancing your normal vision using special contact lenses, we make it possible for you to view virtual and augmented reality images the same way you view your normal world.  There is no need for ugly and bulky head-gear because your eyes can now see digital images without traditional optical devices.
Digital images are presented by tiny micro-displays in full color.  Normally, the images on these tiny displays are too small to see, but with the iOptikTM contact lenses you can directly view these images without any impact to your normal vision.  The iOptikTM devices truly enhance human vision to have capabilities not previously possible.
Because your vision is enhanced, you are able to see virtual images the same way you see real world objects.  Your field of view is not limited to some tiny image as it is with old-technology head mounted displays.  You can see virtual images that fill your entire field of view.  The results are very immersive 3-D large screen images.  And with no optics required to view the micro-display, the eyewear that contains the micro-display can be your normal sunglasses.
The micro-display can either be an occluded display for highly immersive 3-D gaming or movie viewing, or it can be a transparent display for augmented reality applications.  In either case, your normal vision is not affected by the iOptikTM contact lenses.  You are able to see the virtual images simultaneously with your surrounding environment.
The idea of using contact lenses to enable super-human augmented vision has been featured in many action and science fiction movies, but now these devices are no longer simply fiction.  Science and technology have once again caught up with the science fiction writers!