xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Sibelius and the world of art: Experience and expression through music and imagery - シベリウスとアートの世界を拡張現実で体験


To celebrate the 375th anniversary of the University of Helsinki, students minoring in arts and skills subjects at the Department of Teacher Education engaged in integrative art education in collaboration with the Ateneum Art Museum as part of the exhibition Sibelius and the World of Art and art workshops entitled Soiva pinta (“Musical Surface”). They also celebrated the 150th anniversary of Jean Sibelius by providing children with an experiential introduction to the works of art created by the composer and his contemporaries.

Students planned museum tours based on art education by integrating music, drama and the application of augmented reality to works of art using new technology. The tours provided groups of pre-primary and primary-school children with a drama-based experience during which they met Sibelius, a violinist and a group of Kalevala singers with five-string kanteles, and could also join in singing the Finlandia Hymn. The children engaged with new technology by using Aurasma applications on iPads to open the augmented realities associated with the works of art on display.

Sibelius and the world of art: Experience and expression through music and imagery from Faculty of Behavioural Sciences on Vimeo.