xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Rich New Training Technologies for Professional Development - eラーニングで採用されるAR&VR


Making the best investments in employee health and safety training requires smart allocation of resources. Using advanced e-learning technologies for employee training may not at first seem worthwhile; however, for those willing to make the investment, they can put your organization on the path to huge safety gains. Not only can e-learning better leverage your most knowledgeable experts' and trainers' time and efforts, but using 3D technologies to create training assets also provides a much greater return on every training dollar spent.

And 3D is just the beginning. Simulations and serious games motivate employees and make an enormous impact on their behaviors, and augmented reality can bridge the training-operations gap. In many high-stakes and fast-moving industries, such as high tech and the oil and gas industry, greater job complexity, a knowledge gap among young workers, and stringent compliance requirements are huge challenges. These industries are responding by devoting resources to technologically advanced training methods. Evergreen E-Learning Efficiencies

Do you have a few critical employees or trainers who are so over-allocated to the continual maintenance of safety training that they have little time for other responsibilities? Developing e-learning with modular, re-usable assets can transform the amount of effort your organization needs to change management. With modular, learner-centered instructional design and living assets such as 3D media, your employees and organization can gain all the benefits of e-learning and minimize change management expenses.

(read more http://ohsonline.com/Articles/2014/07/01/Rich-New-Training-Technologies-for-Professional-Development.aspx?admgarea=news&Page=1)