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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Handheld X-Ray Gun Now Available To US Military And Police - ARを超えているX線デバイス

X-Ray といえば、中が透けて見える技術であることは誰でも知っているだろう。しかし、これは持ち運びが出来るタイプ。米国の警官や法務局が使うことがきるようになっているとのこと。これは、画期的だがプライバシーが守られないことになりそう。

The United States military, law enforcement, and border patrol can now get their hands on a newly developed x-ray gun capable of scanning inside of different materials using backscatter technology. The United States military, law enforcement, and border patrol can now get their hands on a newly developed x-ray gun capable of scanning inside of different materials using backscatter technology. The scanner, called the Mini Z is manufactured by American Science and Engineering, who says their product offers "fast, portable, real-time detection of hidden organic threats, such as drugs, contraband, plastic guns, ceramic knives, and explosives." Although the strip search x-ray machines used in airports were removed because of concerns about privacy, the handheld device employs the same technology. In the near future, the x-ray guns might be used to see what's inside of people's bags at public events and travel checkpoints.It is more efficient than the x-ray machines used at airports, requiring only 10 watts to function compared to larger devices that use up to 3 thousand watts. And each Mini Z reportedly costs around 50 thousand dollars, which is half the price of airport scanners. The next step for American Science and Engineering is to create x-ray glasses, but the x-ray tubes need to be smaller than the ones used in the Mini Z, and that technology is still in development.

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcaBK7vLOl8)