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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Izakaya Chalk Mural An Interactive Chalk Mural for Izakaya using Layar

Lumenal Code painted this interactive chalk mural for Izakaya 2012, a celebration of Japanese Pub Culture held at the Jupiter Hotel in Portland, Oregon on Friday, November 16th. We activated the chalk mural using Layar. Scanning the seven panels of the mural brought them to life with an animated version of the story, our take on the classic monster vs. robot battles. At the beginning and end of the mural we had links to share the project on Twitter and Facebook, as well as a link to our website.

How We Did it:
Our process involved a couple days of concept sketching, where Dan and I bounced ideas back and forth and came up with the theme and layout for our mural. We also designed our two characters, the Samurai Robot and the Monster. Then we spent a day working from our sketches to create our final digital image. This image served as our base for the animations and the chalk mural.

(via http://www.augmentedart.com/projects/izakaya-chalk-mural/)