xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

CUTECIRCUIT Full Show A/W 14/15 - ファッションショーでウェアラブルテクノロジー


Fashion House CuteCircuit Debuts Wearable Technology Collection At NYFW With Apparel Controlled By iPhone App

Fashion house CuteCircuit debuted their latest wearable technology collection during NYFW 2014 with a line of styles controlled by an iPhone app. The futuristic fashions of CuteCircuit's haute-tech collection are reminiscent of a modern day chameleon, using the iPhone app to change attire's colors and appearance. Despite the garment's high-tech features, CuteCircuit designers Ryan Genz and Francesca Rosella upheld a high-fashion aesthetic. Simply put, people will actually want to wear these wearables.

The full show! Complete recording of the landmark New York Fashion Week debut of the interactive fashion label CuteCircuit. The show brings for the first time to a major international fashion week fashions that include advanced wearable technology, seamlessly integrated in beautiful couture and demi-couture ready-to-wear. For the first time in fashion's history the models control what their dresses will look like on the runway through their mobile phones.