xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

A whole new way to read the news: Philippine STAR breaks ground with augmented reality issue - フィリピンの新聞 STAR 連動のARアプリ公開中

AR app linked to the newspaper is widespread worldwide. It's like in the Philippines. Experience provides interactive information that can not be printed on the paper, and information can not be represented, such as attraction to a Web site, that the effect will be great.


MANILA, Philippines - It’s morning: you open the pages of The STAR to leaf through a detailed report on the day’s big news. The report amplifies what you have already seen on websites and your social feeds the day before.Then, smartphone or tablet in hand, you open an app to scan the news photo on the front page, and your smartphone plays the scene right before your eyes.

No longer just the product of science fiction, news coming to life is now possible, thanks to The Philippine STAR’s pioneering mobile app.

Step-by-Step guide to liveit!
-Step 1: Download The Philippine STAR app by SvenIngenuity on the Appstore or Google Playstore.
-Step 2: Open the app on your mobile device
-Step 3: Tap to launch the LiveIt! icon on the upper righthand of the screen. The app will then update contents. On Android, tapping the LiveIt! icon for the first time downloads a second app, which needs to be installed first. (Download Augmented Reality update? Press Yes. Once finished, tap on the ‘Download complete’ notification and press OK to replace previous application. Install and open updated app, then tap on the LiveIt! icon.) You’re all set!
-Step 4. Hover the phone or tablet device on your chosen image or advertisement with the LiveIt! icon, and wait for the video to load.

Note: Updating contents may take a while depending on your Internet connection. The LiveIt! app supports iPhone 3G phones and higher, and Android smartphones with ARMv7 processor and higher.

Now available for iOS and
Android devices, the app ushers in the birth of what is poised to shape the future of newspapers with augmented reality, or simply AR, opening up a whole new dimension to the way readers consume printed content.

(via http://www.philstar.com/news-feature/2013/04/29/936170/whole-new-way-read-news-philippine-star-breaks-ground-augmented)