xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Quargo - Simple transformation AR app - 簡単に変身できるARアプリ



Mix the fiction with reality! Quargo is a new application that allows you to merge the virtual world to the real world using just a mobile phone and special "Quargo" codes and you can even capture these magical moments in time!

We use augmented reality to achieve our goal. The codes used are QR codes but they can be personalized to allow you to create your own, unique codes. AR is then used to bring the codes to life and allow you, the user, to mix the virtual with the real world.

If you don't have a Quargo code yet, you can use the built in library contents to get the feeling!
Download it now for free, and then register to get your code. 
Come on! Hack reality!

-Scan Quargo codes to see what’s REALLY hidden behind it!
-Capture photos of your twisted reality!
-Choose virtual graphics from library or download User generated content from our website.
-Register to get your FREE Quargo code!

More and more library content is uploaded every week!
Or simply go to Quargo websitehttp://www.quargo.net – and upload your own graphic there!
We hardly wait to see your public contents in the gallery.
Quargo is made for you, so your opinion is the most important for us! Please take a minute to rate and write a review.
We always welcome your feedback, comments and suggestion!

(via http://www.quargo.net/)