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To adopt the AR app for newspaper readers in Thailand - タイの新聞でも読者向けアプリにARを採用


Thailand’s national papers engages iSnap’s augmented reality capabilities to bring news to life BY  FEB 1, 2013 | CORPORATIONS

iSnap helps being Thailand’s major newspaper to live with augmented reality capabilities.

Thailand’s Nation Multimedia Group’s three national newspapers namely The Nation, Kom Chad Luek and Krungthep Turakij have adapted the iSnap multimedia augmented reality (AR) capability. iSnap is developed by Singapore-based Knorex Pte and has penetrated the mobile market by enabling readers to watch video, browse through photos and graphics, play game, engage in social media communication and interactive advertising.

With iSnap, people can read newspapers through smart phones on their iPhone and Android ‘Nation News’ app from February 4 and Nation News currently has a download base of 208,000 and that number is expected to grow. In order for users to use this app, they need to download the “Nation News” app then choose the iSnap feature. This turns on the camera and then users can snap stories on newspapers marked with “iSnap” logo. After that, it will reproduce the stories with different formats. Not only readers will benefit from this service but the publishers as well by increasing the value of newspaper advertising as it is now more interesting and interactive.

(via and more ... http://e27.co/2013/02/01/thailands-national-papers-engages-isnaps-augmented-reality-capabilities-to-bring-news-to-life/)

(Japanese http://jp.startup-dating.com/2013/02/thailands-national-papers-engages-isnaps-augmented-reality-capabilities-to-bring-news-to-life)