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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

awe2013 Opne (June 4-5 2013) - Augmented World Expo™ (Formerly ARE) Opens Call For Proposals

今年も開催される世界規模のARイベント。昨年までは、"are" だったけど、今年からは "awe" という名前に分かりました。スポンサーには、AR技術やプラットフォームでは有名な、QualcommのVuforiaや、daqriなど多数。一度は参加してみたい!


Augmented World Expo™ (AWE), announced today that the world’s largest gathering of designers, engineers and business leaders dedicated to solving real world problems in Augmented Reality is now accepting presentation proposals for the 2013 event. The deadline for proposal submissions is February 26, 2013.

The way we experience the world will never be the same. We no longer interact with computers. We interact with the world. A set of emerging interrelated technologies such as augmented reality, gesture interaction, eyewear, wearables, smart things, cloud computing, big data, and 3D printing are completely changing the way we interact with people, places and things. These technologies create a digital layer that empowers humans to experience the world in a more advanced, engaging, and productive way.

Augmented World Expo will showcase the best in augmented experiences covering all aspects of life: health, education, emergency response, art, media and entertainment, retail, manufacturing, brand engagement, travel, automotive, urban design, and more. It will be the largest exposition to bring together technologies for augmented humans in an augmented world.

Augmented Reality.ORG, the producer of AWE is proud to announce the maturing of an edgy conference about augmented reality into the world’s first expo dedicated to the augmented world.  If you loved ARE you are going to find Augmented World Expo the most important event of 2013.

AWE 2013 invites today’s technology leaders to learn, network, and share their expertise in technologies that change the way we interact with the world.  Presentations should cover a range of emerging technologies that relate to augmented reality such as gesture interaction, eyewear, wearables, smart things, cloud computing, big data, and 3D printing. Presenters can choose from a set of topics and industries that address the latest trends, strategies and business growth opportunities of the augmented world.

The AWE 2013 open call for proposals covers:

  • The Talks – 30 hours of sessions in 3 tracks: Business, Technology, and Production
  • The Auggies –  a series of Best Demo Awards
  • The ARt Gala – Augmented Reality art displays
  • The Startup Launch Pad – Showcase for innovative startups and competition
  • The Conference Expo – booths and displays on the exhibition floor
  • Augmented Future – Ground breaking ideas that will change the augmented world

AWE 2013 will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center, on June 4-5, 2013 and is expected to draw 1,000 attendees. In addition to the presentation tracks, AWE 2013 will include mind-blowing keynotes by industry leaders on the main stage.  For more information and to submit your proposal, visithttp://www.AugmentedWorldExpo.com/cfp 

(via http://augmentedworldexpo.com)