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A Map of Every Bomb Dropped on London During The Blitz - ロンドンに投下された爆弾の地図


Bomb Sight, the designers of an interactive map which allows users to see where every bomb dropped on London during the Blitz in World War II have been overwhelmed by its popularity.

Full story:
The team behind Bomb Sight is overwhelmed with the amount of interest that their project has generated.

Using 1940 census data, the website created an interactive map showing every single bomb that dropped on London during the Blitz between October 7th, 1940 and June 6th, 1941. Those attacks destroyed over a million homes and killed 40,000 people.

Previously this data was only available at the UK's National Archives, but now viewers can see where each German bomb dropped by the Luftwaffe during World War II.

The website went viral quickly after launch, receiving traffic from millions of visitors.

(via & more YouTube by NTDTV)