xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

New Augmented Reality 3D shared Game 'eevoo' - 新感覚の3D拡張現実ゲーム eevoo(イーヴォー)

3D AR game eevoo of new sense that presentiment that seems to become box office hit after a long time. It is likely to be inhaled into the story if it starts. It is a game that seems to be able to be expected overall even in the point that synchronization, the location information technology, map information (map of Japan of the place where I am) on a point developed in the story and a real place (division), and 3D technology and the AR technology are used. 

久しぶりのヒット作になりそうな予感がする、新感覚の3D拡張現実ゲーム eevoo(イーヴォー)。始めると物語の中に吸い込まれてしまうだろう。ストーリの中で展開される点、リアルな場所(区画)との連動、位置情報技術、地図情報(自分のいる場所の日本地図)、3D技術、AR技術が使用されている点でも総合的に期待出来そうなゲームだ。

eevoo: How To Play

Check out http://www.playeevoo.com or http://www.fb.com/playeevoo -- In this short video demonstration you'll discover how to play eevoo. From basic controls to entering the amazing Augmented Reality View, we've included everything you need to know to hit the ground running!

(via YouTube by eelusion Berlin)

Wir haben Guillaume von den Berliner eelusion Game Studios mit ihrem ersten iPhone Spiel eevoo zu Gast. Eevoo ist eine Mischung aus Farmville und Foursquare, das ortsbasierte Dienste, Augmented Reality-Elemente und Social Gaming verbindet. Der Spieler erhält dadurch die Möglichkeit, eine virtuelle Welt auf Basis seines realen Umfelds zu entdecken und gemeinsam mit anderen kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln.....

(via & more YouTube by isarrunde)

eevoo Launch Event: Keynote

Check out http://www.playeevoo.com or http://www.fb.com/playeevoo -- Professor McEvo has opened a portal to a parallel dimension directly atop our own. Your task is to enter the fantastical world of eevoo to aid him in his research. Settle a new and uncharted land, claim real world locations in a virtual world, build your own empire, challenge your friends, and experience the stunning Augmented Reality gameplay of this new world! Check out http://www.playeevoo.com orhttp://www.fb.com/playeevoo

(via YouTube by eelusion Berlin)