xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

By 2014: Augmented Reality Will Be On Every Smartphone #AR #metaio

2011年9月27日に、ミュンヘン、サンフランシスコで開催されたinsideAR2011。 ARでは世界的に有名な企業の1つmetaio(メタイオ)社もスマートフォンAR市場を活性化するべく動き始めたようだ。

MUNICH, SAN FRANCISCO, September 27th, 2011:
With more than 450 attendees, metaio’s annual insideAR has become the world’s largest Augmented Reality get-together with many high profile international speakers.During the conference metaio made three major announcements that strengthen its lead and position in the mobile Augmented Reality market.

The first is great news for AR developers, as metaio will soon release a free version of its Mobile SDK to bring latest AR features to a broad developer community.
Secondly, an easy to use AR-publishing tool called “junaio Creator” to enable virtually anybody to create AR content for junaio, metaio’s popular AR browser.

This will be of particular interest for publishers and marketers who have been increasingly drawn to Augmented Reality implementations. Finally, strategic partnerships with the leading chipset IP supplier ARM and mobile platform developer ST-Ericsson on joint R&D.

“We are not the only ones who see Augmented Reality as a key enabling technology in the growing mobile computing market”, says Thomas Alt, CEO of metaio. “We predict AR to become a common feature on every smartphone and tablet. Of course we are pleased that our solutions have emerged as benchmarks for advanced technology and excellence in our industry, used by developers worldwide.”

(via http://printmediacentr.com/2011/09/by-2014-augmented-reality-will-be-on-every-smartphone/)

With more than 450 attendees, metaio's annual insideAR has become one of the world's largest Augmented Reality conference with numerous high profile international speakers, exhibits and demonstrations.
For more information, visit http://www.metaio.com/insideAR

(via YouTube )

(metaio official http://www.metaio.com/press/press-release/2011/by-2014-augmented-reality-will-be-on-every-smartphone/)