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A digital app turns Esquire readers into shoppers, viewers and more

The image on each page of the catalog is recognized, and the page is assumed to be an image, and the clipping is done, and the application for the smart phone that can be shared with SNS. Everything is quoted from the site to the following. 


---A digital app turns Esquire readers into shoppers, viewers and more
Consumers perusing the December issue of Esquire magazine can now multitask by doing a little online shopping along with their reading. The publisher is using Netpage, a new iPhone app that turns paper pages of print magazines into digital interactive pages. Readers can use the Netpage app to interact with the print edition of Esquire and do things such as purchase items in ads, play videos, and digitally clip and save any article, photo or ad and share it via e-mail, text, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.
Esquire says all its magazine issues going forward will work with the Netpage app. And Hearst Corp., which publishes Esquire and other popular magazines including Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and Elle, says it will use Netpage for more of its magazines in the future.

(via & more http://www.internetretailer.com/2012/11/14/digital-app-turns-esquire-readers-shoppers-viewers-and-m)

---Esquire mobilizes print edition without the need for QR codes, digital watermarks

Hearst is leveraging mobile to make every piece of content in the December issue of Esquire interactive and is accomplishing this without the need for QR codes or digital watermarks. 

Print publishers are embracing mobile to help drive deeper engagements with their publications as readers increasingly look to consume media via smartphones and tablets. Using the Netpage app on a mobile device, Esquire readers can clip, save and share every all every piece of content as well as access exclusive content, bring a Lexus ad to life and purchase certain items directly from the printed page.

(via & more http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/sectors/media-publishing/14267.html)

(via YouTube by NetpageApp)