xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

AR that supports daughter who studies French - フランス語を学ぶ娘をサポートする #AR( #Aurasma Lite )

"The technology of the Augmented Reality is special" and "Making digs into one's purse " are that there are quite a lot of people who think. However, it is not already such a situation. 
Everyone can be easily made with smart phone (iPhone/Android) if it is a range enjoys with your of you own family and the friend and it handle it. 
The attempt of Mr. @i_ssk is a case where AR is used very near oneself. It used it to support daughter's studying French. When the camera is held up on the card to which word "Flower" is written by starting AR application program "Aurasma Lite", the photograph of the flower is displayed. It is possible to talk at the same time possibly. Thus, it is a wonderful case where AR can be used at the drop of a hat in life. 


@i_ssk さんの試みはとても身近にARを使っている事例です。娘がフランス語を学ぶことを支援するために、利用しました。「花」という単語が書かれたカードに、ARアプリ「Aurasma Lite」を起動してカメラをかざすと、花の写真が表示されます。もしかしたら、同時に喋らせることもできます。このように、生活の中のちょっとしたことでもARが活用できる素晴らしい事例です。

How Aurasma helps in teaching French to my daughter !
Augmented Reality (AR) is a concept wherein real life entities are augmented with additional artifacts like video/images/text when the camera is pointed at them. Aurasma Lite is a nice app to create your own AR world.

(via & more http://ssklogs.blogspot.jp/2012/03/how-aurasma-helps-in-teaching-french-to.html)