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クアルコムAR博物館(写真館) - Qualcomm's Augmented Reality Picture Frame Demo #AR


It does not seem to be a mere photo studio. 
And AR circumference technology, such as linkage with P2P, does not seem to be mere AR, either. 

AR picture frame http://www.netbooknews.com In the Qualcomm museum we found an oldly but a goody, an Augmented Reality picture frame. It all centers on Qualcomm's Augmented Reality SDK, running in this case on a Google Nexus One but compatible with any Android 2.1+ device, together with their P2P technology. The frames are actually standard LCD monitors, each hooked up to a generic ASUS Eee Box PC running a custom app Qualcomm coded for the demo (with P2P functionality), and everything is on the same wireless network (we were told a regular WiFi router was used, though it was implied that Bluetooth could also be used for direct connections).

Rather than register each display to the phone, the system uses image recognition to identify them. The AR engine knows what each picture frame is showing, and matches that to the view through the camera: when you tap on-screen to select it, the P2P engine automatically swaps the pictures over.

The downside is that all the displays being used must be showing something different, else the AR recognition system can't differentiate between them. Qualcomm aren't looking to produce apps or displays themselves, but are expecting vendors using their AR SDK to offer similar services.

(via YouTube by  )