xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


ARマーカー付Tシャツのデモ - Farrago: AR Apparel #AR

ARマーカーがTシャツに印刷されており、それをスマートフォンのカメラで撮影すると頭部が変身するというもの。楽しみ方にひとひねり欲しいところ。 The thing that a head will disguise itself if AR marker is printed at the T-shirt and photos it with …

Augmented Reality: See Through The Wallpaper #AR

壁紙の模様を認識マーカーにして、その関連情報を説明してくれるARアプリケーション AR application which uses the pattern of wallpaper as a recognition marker and explains the pertinent information. This is an Augmented Reality app displaying 3…

WeTab MeeGo Tablet Shows Off Augmented Reality App #AR

wetab AR http://www.netbooknews.com the WeTab tablet, the MeeGo flexible software architecture and metaio´s unique image processing capabilities, visitors can catch a glimpse of how consumers will look at images, objects, museum pieces, bi…

Kendal College Showcase for the World Skills 2011 at the ExCel Centre London. #AR

Showing new technologies and their capabilities within education through traditional and mixed media. Using augmented reality with 3 dimensional triggers. A year to plan, 3 months to build, and enthusiasm and Aurasma to happen (via YouTube…

小学生の授業で科学の仮想体験 - It is scientific virtual experience by a schoolchild's lesson. #AR #education

拡張現実(AR)の技術のみならず、ITのエッセンスを少し使用するだけで子供達は、よりよい体験を得ることができる。 Children can get better experience only by using IT, such as AR. TeachAR 3D World is an educational software of the National Textboo…