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レゴがiPhoneと連動して楽しめるゲームにっ ! - Lego Tries Augmented Reality With “Life Of George” Game #AR #Game


Lego (or LEGO if you’re adamant about trademarks) has just dipped another toe into electronic gaming with their clever “Life Of George” iOS title. The game uses 144 pieces and a piece of cardboard covered in a dotted pattern. The game is simple: George shows you a picture from his travels and asks you to recreate it using Legos. You have to dig around in your box of pieces to recreate the image and then take a picture of it on the Playmat. Using a brick recognition system from Eye-Cue, the game awards you points for speed and accuracy.

The game is oddly addicting and great for kids. The pieces are bit small so it’s aimed at ages 12 and up but it’s also a great way to build teamwork with one player – maybe a parent – calling out the pieces and the other player putting the object together.

(via http://techcrunch.com/2011/09/29/lego-tries-augmented-reality-with-life-of-george-game/)

Introducing LEGO® Life of George: the world's first interactive game combining real LEGO bricks with apps for your iPhone/iPod Touch

Follow George around the world as he challenges you to a series of fun building tasks. Build as fast as possible, capture your model with your iPhone/iPod camera and get scored on your building skills.

Challenge you friends to be the fastest & best builder.

Get the Life of George box: (Available from October 1st)
Get the Life of George app:
Follow George on facebook

(via YouTube by )