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T-shirts come alive with augmented reality - Tシャツに印刷された絵でARが楽しめる #AR

Martian Attack - Zapparel from Zappar on Vimeo.

Augmented-reality app specialist Zappar and private-label clothier Hybrid Apparel today announced a line of 20 T-shirts with Threadless-esque designs that come to life through AR. In the video below, we see an example of augmented-reality fashion via a T-shirt named "Mars Attacks." Using the free Zappar app (available for iOS and Android devices), a person using the iPad's touch screen and rear camera defeats a large robot projected on the T-shirt by zapping it with lasers. Not bad.

Check out video of other AR T-shirts at Zappar's Vimeo page. While some designs seem amusing, quite a few leave me wondering what the point of AR clothing is. The only way someone will see AR on these shirts is if the person has the Zappar app running on a smartphone or tablet.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20096239-1/t-shirts-come-alive-with-augmented-reality/#ixzz1VxdYI8rI

(via Viemo)