xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Android Equipped with Facial Analysis Gaming - Android端末で楽しめるストーリー性があるARゲーム #AR

顔認識技術を持ったViewdleは Androidスマートフォンのユーザー向けに、吸血鬼をテーマとした空想科学小説をARゲームの題材としたようだ。

Third Eye by Viewdle from Viewdle on Vimeo.

Facial recognition startup Viewdle has begun letting Android smartphone users see which of the people around them are vampires and which are vampire slayers.

A "Third Eye" augmented reality game released by the San Francisco company online at viewdle.com is the first installment in a trilogy that will culminate in a battle between the undead and defenders of the living. It was also intended as a fun demonstration of a powerful software platform that lets smartphone cameras recognize what they see and potentially support services such as sight for the blind or memories for the forgetful. "It is true science fiction on some level," Viewdle chief product officer Jason Mitura told AFP.
(via & more http://www.teezoot.com/2011/06/android-equipped-with-facial-analysis.html )
Official site : http://www.viewdle.com/products/gaming/index.html