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Esquire, Barnes & Noble Bring Cover Model To (Augmented) Reality #AR


Esquire cover model Brooklyn Decker is making appearances and posing for pictures at Barnes & Noble stores around the nation. Virtually, that is.Esquire & B&N are running a promotion with GoldRun to enable shoppers to take mobile augmented reality photos of themselves posing with Decker as a way to promote B&N's newsstand.

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Selling books got a whole lot sexier this week as Barnes & Noble hosts a virtual Brooklyn Decker. It's all an augmented reality stunt for Esquire magazine, whose readers voted her the sexiest woman alive, prompting a February cover that is now on newsstands.
The model/actress is virtually appearing in 700 Barnes & Noble stores via GPS-enabled technology that allows iPhone users to have their picture taken with her virtual image. It's also a clever digital marketing coup for all concerned.

via  http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2011/01/21/Brooklyn-Decker-Boosts-Esquire-Barnes-Noble-and-New-Movie.aspx