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I Am Iron Man 2: Augmented Reality App - Iron Man 2のプロモーション #AR

日本でも話題性が高い映画 Iron Man になってみては? 顔を認識するAR。 

Get inside the head of Iron Man or War Machine

"Red & gold or titanium silver? It's a tough choice but why not try both the Iron Man & War Machine helmets on and see which suits you best?

Marvel Studios & Paramount Pictures have released an augmented reality app http://www.iamironman2.com that not only lets you see what you'd look like in the latest iteration of the Iron Man/ War Machine hardware but it also brings to life the internal HUD (Heads Up Display) through gesture recognition.

You will need a webcam to activate I Am Iron Man 2.

You can video capture yourself inside one of Tony Stark's toys and share it with your buddies through Facebook, Twitter or embed it on your own site.

Innovations in the AR technology:
- Try the new Iron Man & War Machine helmets (with visor up/ down)
- Touch screen interface allows you to get the HUD perspective from inside the helmet
- Video capture & effortless sharing across social networks & blog platforms

For this year's early summer blockbuster, 'IRON MAN 2', Paramount has delivered an Augmented Reality campaign allowing users to see themselves wearing the Iron Man and War Machine masks.
The AR experience allows users to see the HUD view that Tony has when he is Iron Man plus have a conversation with Jarvis using quotes from the movie.