xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


ASOS Scan to Shop - #Aurasmaを使用したカタログ連動の#AR

The ASOS magazine began use in a practicable catalog using AR. A special application program "ASOS Scan to Shop" is installed in a smart phone, and it starts. It changes to the site on a detailed page when the photograph of the catalog is …

Augmented Reality Shutter Demo - ブラインドの#AR設置シミュレーション

Furniture etc. are that there are surely a lot of seeing the catalog and the photograph on the site and buying it. However, there must be this could not everyone. The regrettable outcome can be decreased even a little by the use of the AR …

The World of #Aurasma Around Us - #AR オーラズマのダイジェストビデオ

The art and scenery where printed matter and the wall are drawn are recognized, and the latest video of AurasmaLite that can easily display a video and happy contents repeatedly. 印刷物や、壁の描かれたアート、そして風景を認識して、動画や楽…

Experiment video of remote communications #AR - 遠隔コミュニケーションARの実験ビデオ

It is projected onto the screen as being together though it is far away. Like way of science fiction film. Is Kinect used? 遠隔にいるのに一緒にいるように画面に映し出される。まるでSF映画のよう。Kinectでも使っているのかな? ---食卓コミュニケ…