xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Aurasma and The Gadget Show Live Partner to Create the World's First Augmented Tickets #AR #aurasma

NECがバーミンガムのイベントで、Aurasmaを使用した。チケットにスマホをかざすとガイドが見られるというもののようだ。 BIRMINGHAM, England, April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --- **100,000+ visitors able to unlock exclusive content at Birmingham NEC us…

Tell us what you think - A Sneak Preview of U.S. Bank Find US+ App - 銀行の場所へナビゲートする #ARアプリ

Watch the video and tell us what you think of the concept. Would you use an app like this? U.S. Bank employees are piloting one of the latest technology trends on the market today -- augmented reality. The new U.S. Bank Find US+ Applicatio…

Assignment-2 Demonstration | CS7034: Augmented Reality, Trinity College Dublin -

Kinectを使用した実験的なデモ。 Aim is to "Design and implement an augmented reality game that uses vision and one other type of interaction mechanism (e.g. wireless mouse, Wii Remote, mobile phone, physical switch, etc). Can be implemented…

Reel VR - #Aurasma #AR Demo

AR as if the car and the scenery that had been printed on paper had begun to run on. 紙に印刷された自動車や景色が動き出したかのようなAR Creating Augmented Reality content for just about anything. (via YouTube by Reel VR )

PointCloud Browser Augments Reality For Metro Newspapers & The Whole Internet #AR

AR SDK using SLAM technology that can use it with iOS iOSで利用できるSLAM技術を利用した AR SDK In June of 2011 13th Lab received a lot of attention from press and industry (see http://13thlab.com/company/press ) for being the first company…

Wil Wheaton Particle Emitter in Augmented Reality - 拡張現実Tシャツ #AR

Tシャツからの飛び出し方が見事なAR。 You probably have heard of the Recursive Wil Wheaton Recursive t-shirt. Paul (of Paul and Storm) sent it to Wil and this photo became quite popular. It was remixed by an unknown genius into an animated g…

In Search of Educational Applications Using Augmented Reality (4/11/2012) - 教育と関係する #AR

The last three Horizon Reports (for 2009, 2010 and 2011) have listed Geo-Everything, Augmented Reality, Mobile Computing, and Mobiles as technology that will impact education over the next 2-5 years. This session will chronicle the present…

Pentagon orders augmented reality technology - ペンタゴン#ARレンズ

The topic of HMD and the AR lens has increased in the United States because the topic of HMD of Google has risen. It is a type that this animation appears in the movie, too. I think that it is still an experimentation phase. グーグルのHMD…

Military Sets Sights on iiOptik's Dual Focus Contact Lens - 拡張現実仕様のコンタクトレンズ #AR

Is development really advanced?? Video explained about mechanism of epoch-making AR contact lens. 本当に開発が進んでいるのか!?。画期的なARコンタクトレンズの仕組みについて説明されているビデオ。 The U.S. government has its eyes on some new a…

店内での自由体験型ショッピングが今後の主流かもしれない - Helios . . . An Immersive In-store, Guided Shopping Experience #AR

There are not so a lot of cases where it shops by freely using a smart phone in the store worldwide. However, it was felt that the method to buy by freely using a smart phone in the store seeing this video had to become usual. 店内で自由に…

Paparazzi teaser Dior Milan - ディオールのARミラー型デジタルサイネージ #AR

ブランドイメージアップ用かな?。特に化粧品との関連は無さそうな「なりきり」タイプのARミラー型デジタルサイネージ。 Augmented reality application for Dior Milan. Powered by Amadea Technologies and Total Immersion. (via YouTube by amadeatechno…

Official Ad for Mobile World Congress 2012 App - 困ったときにはARが助けてくれる #AR

困った時には、かざすだけでガイドをしてくれるARの技術が役に立つ。それも無料だったりする。その代わりに広告を利用してねというもの。 Augmented Reality at it's best. What do you do if you can't find your way around? Download the official event …

ViewAR Augmented Reality Paintings Demo - さあ、どの絵を買おう? #AR


女の子のためのドレスフィッティングAR - Barbie™ The Dream Closet Sydney Launch #AR

ミラー型で、インタラクティブなサイネージによる、バービー・ドレスのフィッティング。フィッティングしたら、写真を撮影して持ち帰ることができる夢を提供するAR。 Hot on the heels of the global launch at New York Fashion Week, the Australian versi…

Augmented Reality Virtual Stage - 手軽さが良い場合もある #AR

The person with a famous life-size is displayed with AR recognizing the marker left on the floor. And, the photograph can be taken together. The so much, I think that I can offer the enjoyment, the experience, and the surprise enough. 床に…

3D Laser Scanner - Textured object presented with Augmented Reality #AR

3Dレーザースキャナーが有れば、いろいろ作れそう! 3D Laser Scanner made in Debrecen Hungary by students of the University Of Debrecen - Engineering Information Technology Department Developers: Aurél Kovács, Norbert Gálfi Special Thanks to …

NBC showcases an Augmented Reality mobile app for C Spire Wireless - developed by BNOTIONS #AR

鳥を打ち落とすARシューティングゲーム C Spire Personalized Wireless and the University of Southern Mississippi baseball team today announced the launch of the world's first mobile augmented reality app that promises to add a personalized di…

MCN 2011: Adventures in Augmented Reality - さあ、拡張現実の世界! #AR

Adventures in Augmented Reality 11.19.2011 (9.00AM -- 10.30 AM) Presenters: Laurie Stepp, MA candidate, Johns Hopkins University; Gene Becker, Augmented Reality Strategist, Layar; Robert Costello, National Outreach Program Manager, Smithso…

Universal Studios 100th Anniversary BTTF AR Promo - 映画バックトゥーザフューチャの限定版でARが楽しめる! #AR

AR came to be used in such a limited release version at last. The synchronized AR product such as the magazine, the photograph collections, and toys at limited time is that be to put on the market by the other companies following this a lo…

Cut and Sew ARt - 額縁と絵とアート #AR

As for AR "What feeling is it if it hangs a picture on a wall?", this is a little different generally. The art matched to the picture frame is achieved with AR. Layar Vision seems to be used. Is the recognition accuracy another step though…

SUBARU AR App - 自動車スバルのiPad向け #AR

The mind of the fan can be gripped by effectively using iPad、AR, VR, and the promotion animation. iPad、AR、VR、プロモーション動画を効果的に使用することで、ファンの心をつかむことが出来る。 Try out SUBARU AR and experience Augmented Realit…

JR東日本 東京駅 ARアプリ「JR×AR」リリース予定 - East Japan Railway Tokyo Station AR application program "JR×AR" release schedule #AR


Augmented Reality Shadow Runner - サッカー選手と競争できる #AR

普通に映っているサッカー選手。しかし、そこには存在しない。実際に選手と競争したような体験が得られるこの大掛かりなARは楽しそうだ。 Shadow Runner allows any member of the public to come to a bespoke stand / event space where they are challeng…

#AR Puzzle - AUGMENTED REALITY – Make your puzzle come alive!

完成したジグソーパズルをARで楽しむ。かざすと、絵を認識して動画を表示するというもの。 (via http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ar-puzzle/id502524775)

位置情報設定デザインツール - ARBOX #AR

このような機能は、どのデザインツールにも付いていてほしい。グラフィカルに設定できる。 ARBOX is a mobile augmented reality designing tool. (via YouTube by GTHarbinger)

Do not forget choices other than Google "Project Glass" - Google "Project Glass" 以外の選択肢を忘れないように #AR #HMD

2010年3月に、京都「ニッシャ印刷文化振興財団」が運営するサイトAMeeTの記事に掲載したHMD(ヘッドマウントディスプレイ)の資料です。 2012年現在、ブラザー工業は製品化を行っており、確かNECもOEM供給を受けており販売してる。ハード的な選択肢は、まだ製…

Scene for which AR (Augmented Reality) can be used - #AR(拡張現実)が活用できる場面

I think that there is a preconception like the magazine, the newspaper, and the catalog, etc. when the image-recognition technique of AR (Augmented reality) is used. However, there is no restriction in the object. If it is possible to reco…

Auramsa use case in Japan in April, 2012 - 日本における2012年4月の#Auramsa活用事例 #AR

2012年3月から4月にかけて、日本でも幾つかのAurasmaを使用したプロモーションが開始されました。4月7日現在、リリースされている事例を幾つかピックアップしてご紹介します。 『毎日新聞 MAINICHI RT』 毎日新聞社の発行するTwitter連動媒体「MAINICHI RT」…

3D Pendulum on #Aurasma - Aurasmaで3Dアニメーションを表示 #AR

3D animation is displayed with Aurama. It is tolerable made. In Aurasma, not only playing the video like this but also 3D came to be expressible. Auramaで、3Dアニメーションを表示している。かなり良く出来ている。Aurasmaでは、このようにビデオ…

Marvel Augmented Reality App - アメリカコミックのマーベルが#ARで生まれ変わる #Aurasma

Marvel comic that started new attempt to enhance animated cartoon comic in image. At this occasion, various developments will be done as for other comics. アニメコミックを映像で拡張するという新しい試みを始めたマーベルコミック。これを機に…