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拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)

Cut and Sew ARt - 額縁と絵とアート #AR

As for AR "What feeling is it if it hangs a picture on a wall?", this is a little different generally. The art matched to the picture frame is achieved with AR. Layar Vision seems to be used. Is the recognition accuracy another step though it might be a performance of this demonstration?
「絵を壁にかけたらどんな感じかな?」というARは一般的だけど、これは少し違う。額縁と合わせたアートをARで実現。Layar Visionが利用されている様子。このデモに限った性能かもしれないけど、認識精度はもう一歩かな。

Cut and Sew is the Emperor's new ARt. The panels start out naked! To see the ARt (augmented reality) simply go to http://layar.it/ywUx1y with your mobile device, pick up Layar the augmented reality browser and then scan the panels!

(via YouTube by  )