xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Aurasma(オーラズマ)の事例を世界から - A Day in the Life of #Aurasma - Campaigns Live around the World feat. Mazda, Unicredit and more #AR

高速画像認識ARブラウザとも言える、Aurasma(オーラズマ)の事例がまとまって公開されました。 Aurasma, the world's first visual browser, is a truly global platform, with now over 2 million installs of Aurasma apps or Aurasma-enabled apps worldwi…

TOYOTA - toyota unveils fun vii concept a rolling smartphone on wheels 2012 #AR

トヨタのコンセプトカーはまるでARのかたまり the Toyota Fun-Vii, the car that surrenders to distracted drivers by turning itself into a smartphone. The exterior of the Fun-Vii eschews paint for an electronic display for photos or videos; the…

Kinectを使用したAR Fitting - IT5 FitAR Augmented Reality Fitting Room #AR

Kinectを使用した衣服のフィッティング デモ (via YouTube by IT5Channel )

手書きのスケッチがそのままマーカーに! -Augmented Reality Hand Sketching Games #AR

A demo of Ogmento's Augmented Reality hand sketching game. Augmented Reality can be combined with hand sketching to create unique game experiences. These prototype games were developed to demonstrate this new concept and to support the stu…

子供のためのARブック - Popar Books Be It #AR

ARマーカーを使って、学習したりなりきったり、楽しく遊べるARブックだ。 Popar™ Books is a new line of children's books that use Augmented Reality (AR) technology to create an immersive reading experience that will allow the user to see their …