xRの世界 | The world of xR (xReality)

拡張現実 Augmented Realty/仮想現実 Virtual Reality/複合現実 Mixed Reality の技術がもたらす DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)


Blue Mars Mobile: Augmented Reality Promo #AR #iPad2

いろいろな3DCGのキャラクターと写真を撮って楽しむiPad2アプリ "Blue Mars Mobile" Here are some clips to show you what you can do with the new AR (Augmented Reality) feature in Blue Mars Mobile. Download the app and AR markers at: http://www.…

拡張現実で風水を調べるiPhoneアプリ - Easy Feng Shui with Augmented Reality #AR

If you read our blog regularly you know that Feng Shui is one of the many tools we use in our overall approach to creating a home, which we call Life Design. For those who aren’t familiar with Feng Shui, it’s the 4,000 year old Chinese ar…

Reed + Rader's Psychedelic Animated Fashion Shoots

拡張現実的な効果 ファッション業界では様々な表現方法がある。 Wunderkind Prada Fashion photography duo Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, known as "Reed and Rader," mix the mediums of still photography, animation, film and interactivity to creat…

Augmented Reality in Education #AR

How does it apply to education? More specifically AR allows the student to visualise a concept, review a physical item, or access extra information all within the real world environment. Authenticity and context are common words used thro…

音声の強弱を認識してオブジェが創作出来る iPhoneアプリ "Konstruct" #AR

オブジェクトとパレットのパターンを選択し、カメラを起動。予め印刷したKonstructのARマーカーをiPhoneをカメラにかざす。そしてマイクに向かって喋ってみよう!簡単に、この世で一つのシュールな3Dのオブジェを描くことが出来る無料のアプリだ。 Konstruct…

Microsoft's Read/Write World presented at ARE 2011 #AR #Microsoft

Avi Bar-Zeev, Principal Architect for Bing Mobile at Microsoft presents Read/Write World (www.readwriteworld.net) during the AR Standards and open source session at the Augmented Reality Event 2011 (www.augmentedrealityevent.com) on May 18…

拡張現実+物理エンジンのデモ (Demo of AR and physical engine)- osgODE + OpenCV (Augmented Reality) #AR
